Akashic Healing

Akashic Healing

Move to holistic wellness with Hands of Peace, where we work for soul retrieval. Our Practitioners combine ancient wisdom with modern techniques for efficient Akashic healing. It promotes physical, mental, emotional & spiritual wellness.

The Concept of Akashic Healing

It is a spiritual tradition that believes in the soul journey of every individual. Every soul has energetic records known as Akashic records.

Practitioners offering akashic healing reach these records to heal physical, mental, and emotional disorders, limiting beliefs, trauma triggers, phobias. It brings the soul back to inner peace by eliminating the blockages hampering personal growth and empowerment.

How the Akashic Healing Promotes All-round Well-being

Our experienced practitioners help you reach your Akashic records in a relaxed state of mind.

We blend energy works with intuitive guidance of spirit and your soul and spirit guides, to help you find the cause of issues.

Akashic Healing is a powerful source to find the solutions to your troubles inside your Akashic records.

What Makes Akashic Healing an Ideal Practice?

Emotional Health

Akashic healing identifies the root cause of emotional distress, impacting physical health and hindering your path to a healthy, happy life.

Psychologically and metaphysically, trauma can be passed down through generations. Accessing and unlocking your records can heal the generational and ancestral traumas which can have a negative impact in this life.

Physical Well-being

This Healing is a popular choice for treating physical ailments. It clears away energy imbalances & facilitates all-round healing by identifying past life and current life issues that have not been healed.

Spiritual Growth

Akashic records helps you reach your best self by releasing energy blockages. They help to understand and identify patterns that no longer suit you or the reasons you continue to attract certain types of situations/people, over and over again. Moving past these patters opens the doors of growth and infinite possibilities.

heal Your Soul With Akashic Healing

Liberate your soul with Akashic healing. Take the next step to your emotional & spiritual well-being. Skilled practitioners at Hands of Peace help you connect with your highest self. Start your journey to self-discovery with our Akashic healing sessions. Reshape your life, learn about your past lives and see where opportunities await. Welcome true happiness with the assessment of your Akashic records. Book your session today.

Start Your Journey With Us!

Embrace the benefits of energy healing, letting go of the past, healing trauma, addiction, emotional imbalances, depression. A non invasive, non chemical, healing option that is safe for kids, teens, and adults.